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Saturday, December 12, 2009

eBooks Are A HOT - HOT - HOT Holiday Item!

Here’s why:

You get your eBooks immediately rather than having to wait in long lines, or even having to wait for the book to arrive in the mail. You don’t have to pay for shipping.

eBooks don’t require any paper, thereby saving trees and protecting the environment; with your computer or Kindle, eBooks provide a “green way” to read. It doesn’t cost any money to print eBooks and you don’t have to pay for postage since eBooks can be sent via email or wirelessly to your Kindle.

Downloading eBooks onto a Kindle allows you to take your entire library with you any place, at any time! It would be nearly impossible to carry your entire collection of physical books with you everywhere you go— The Kindle is equipped to hold about 200 books and is capable of storing more than 4,000 eBooks at your fingertips.

The Amazon Kindle is also being tested in colleges across the country as a way to replace heavy textbooks.

eBooks are digital so they’re cheaper than regular books, and they take up less space than physical books.

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